1. Introduction

This documentation describes the GORM API mechanics and how a datastore implementation can be built to interface to any database providing a GORM API onto it. This documentation is mainly targeted at developers interested in creating implementations of GORM on top of alternative datastores.

As of this writing the project has several implementations of GORM against a variety of different datastore implementations. Current implementations include:

  • Hibernate 3, 4 and 5

  • MongoDB

  • Redis

  • Neo4j

  • Cassandra

  • java.util.ConcurrentHashMap (the fastest datastore in the world)

The remainder of this document describes how the project is structured, how to build a project and how to implement a GORM provider.

2. Getting Started

2.1. Checking out and Building

The project is hosted on GitHub.

You are free to fork the project from there or clone it anonymously using git:

git clone https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping.git
cd grails-data-mapping

The project has a Gradle build.

To build the project you can run the assemble task:

./gradlew assemble

To install the jar files for the various subprojects into your local Maven repository you can run:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

2.2. Project Structure

The project is essentially a multi-project Gradle build. There is a core API and then subprojects that implement that API. The core API subprojects include:

  • grails-datastore-core - The core API, this provides core interfaces for implementing a GORM provider

  • grails-datastore-gorm - The runtime meta-programming and AST transformation infrastructure behind GORM. This also provides end users with APIs like grails.gorm.CriteriaBuilder and grails.gorm.DetachedCriteria

  • grails-datastore-gorm-support - Support classes for easing the writing of a GORM plugin for Grails

  • grails-datastore-gorm-tck - The TCK that includes hundreds of Spock specifications that a GORM implementation will need to pass

  • grails-datastore-web - Classes required to integrate GORM into a web tier

In addition to this, there are separate projects of GORM implementations for various datastores:

3. Understanding the GORM API

3.1. Introduction

The GORM Developer API is divided into a low-level API that implementors must implement for each specific datastore, and a set of higher-level APIs that enhance domain classes with features visible to regular users, such as dynamic finders, criteria queries, and so on.

The low-level API classes are located within the grails-datastore-core subproject, whereas the higher-level APIs used to enhance domain classes can be found in grails-datastore-gorm. In this section, we will discuss the low-level API.

3.2. Datastore Basics

3.2.1. The MappingContext

The org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext interface is used to obtain metadata about the classes that are configured for persistence. There are org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentEntity and org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty interfaces that represent a class and its properties respectively. These can be obtained and introspected via the MappingContext.

There are various concrete implementations of the MappingContext interface such as:

  • DocumentMappingContext - Used for document stores, subclassed by MongoMappingContext

  • JpaMappingContext - Used for JPA

  • KeyValueMappingContext - Used by key/value stores

Creating a new MappingContext may be useful because it allows users to configure how a class is mapped to the underlying datastore using GORM’s mapping block as well as allowing registration of custom type converters and so on. The implementation for Neo4j looks like this:

class Neo4jMappingContext extends AbstractMappingContext {

    MappingFactory<Collection, Attribute> mappingFactory
    MappingConfigurationStrategy syntaxStrategy

    Neo4jMappingContext() {
        mappingFactory = new GraphGormMappingFactory()
        syntaxStrategy = new GormMappingConfigurationStrategy(mappingFactory)
        //addTypeConverter(new StringToNumberConverterFactory().getConverter(BigDecimal))
        addTypeConverter(new StringToShortConverter())
        addTypeConverter(new StringToBigIntegerConverter())

    protected PersistentEntity createPersistentEntity(Class javaClass) {
        GraphPersistentEntity persistentEntity = new GraphPersistentEntity(javaClass, this)
        mappingFactory.createMappedForm(persistentEntity) // populates mappingFactory.entityToPropertyMap as a side effect

    MappingConfigurationStrategy getMappingSyntaxStrategy() {

    MappingFactory getMappingFactory() {

Notice how Neo4j provides a custom GraphGormMappingFactory and GraphPersistentEntity to allow the domain class configuration to be changed for a given Neo4j Node.

3.2.2. The Datastore Interface

The org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.Datastore interface is the equivalent of a SQL DataSource where by it provides the necessary capability to create a connection. In most cases one can simply subclass the AbstractDatastore super class and implement the createSession method. The following implementation is from the SimpleMapDatastore which implements GORM ontop of a ConcurrentHashMap:

protected Session createSession(PropertyResolver connDetails) {
    return new SimpleMapSession(this, getMappingContext(), getApplicationEventPublisher());

The implementation depends a lot on the underlying datastore. For example for MongoDB the following implementation is used:

protected Session createSession(PropertyResolver connDetails) {
    return new MongoSession(this, getMappingContext(), getApplicationEventPublisher(), false);

Notice that the Datastore also has a reference to the MappingContext discussed in the previous section.

3.2.3. The Session Interface

The org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.Session interface represents an active connection. It can be either stateful or stateless, depending on the implementation. For example of embedded databases where there is no network connection, a stateful session is not particularly useful, but a datastore that creates network connections you may want to cache returned instances to reduce load.

The AbstractSession class provides some support for creating stateful sessions, if you prefer a stateless implementation then simply implement Session or subclass AbstractAttributeStoringSession.

In general, if you subclass AbstractSession, the minimum you need to do is implement the createPersister method:

protected Persister createPersister(Class cls, MappingContext mappingContext) {
    PersistentEntity entity = mappingContext.getPersistentEntity(cls.getName());
    if (entity == null) {
        return null;
    return new SimpleMapEntityPersister(mappingContext, entity, this,
        (SimpleMapDatastore) getDatastore(), publisher);

The example above is from the SimpleMapSession implementation, which creates a SimpleMapEntityPersister instance and returns it. Returning null indicates that the class cannot be persisted and an exception will be thrown.

3.3. Implementing CRUD

3.3.1. The EntityPersister Interface

The EntityPersister interface is used to implement the basic Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations. There are individual methods to implement such as persistEntity, updateEntity, deleteEntity and so on.

In many cases there is a representation of an entity in its "native" form as supplied by the datastore driver. For example in Cassandra this could be a ColumnFamily, or in MongoDB a DBCollection.

To support implementing such cases, there is an abstract NativeEntryEntityPersister<T, K> super class that provides the basis for an implementation that maps a native entry, such as a MongoDB DBObject or a Neo4j Node, to a persisted entity and back again.

The two generic types of this superclass indicate the native entry type (example DBObject in MongoDB) and the native key type (example ObjectId in MongoDB). The MongoDB implementation looks like this:

public class MongoEntityPersister extends NativeEntryEntityPersister<DBObject, Object>

Note that Object is used for the key since MongoDB also supports Long and String-based identifiers.

They key methods that need implementing are defined below:

  • getEntityFamily() - Defines the name of the entity group or family. This could be a database table, a Cassandra Column Family or a MongoDB collection

  • T createNewEntry(String family) - Creates a native entry ready to be inserted

  • Object getEntryValue(T nativeEntry, String property) - Retrieves a value of entry and returns its Java object form. For example a "date" property stored as a String in the datastore would need to be returned as a java.util.Date at this point

  • setEntryValue(T nativeEntry, String key, Object value) - Sets a value of the native entry, converting any Java objects to the required native format

  • deleteEntry(String family, K key, Object entry) - Deletes an entry for the given family, native key and entry

  • T retrieveEntry(PersistentEntity persistentEntity, String family, Serializable key) - Retrieves a native entry for the given entity, family and key

  • K storeEntry(PersistentEntity persistentEntity, EntityAccess entityAccess, K storeId, T nativeEntry) - Stores a native entry for the given id

  • updateEntry(PersistentEntity persistentEntity, EntityAccess entityAccess, K key, T entry) - Updates an entry

  • K generateIdentifier(PersistentEntity persistentEntity, T entry) - Generate an identifier for the given native entry

  • PropertyValueIndexer getPropertyIndexer(PersistentProperty property) - If the datastore requires manual indexing, you’ll need to implement a PropertyIndexer, otherwise return null

  • AssociationIndexer getAssociationIndexer(T nativeEntry, Association association) - If the datastore requires manual indexing, you’ll need to implement a AssociationIndexer, otherwise return null

3.3.2. Create

The createNewEntry method is used to create a native record that will be inserted into the datastore. In MongoDB this is a DBObject whilst in the implementation for ConcurrentHashMap it is another Map:

protected DBObject createNewEntry(String family) {
    return new BasicDBObject();

3.3.3. Read

The retrieveEntry method is used to retrieve a native record for a given key:

protected DBObject retrieveEntry(final PersistentEntity persistentEntity,
        String family, final Serializable key) {
    return mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<DBObject>() {
        public DBObject doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
            DBCollection dbCollection = con.getCollection(getCollectionName(persistentEntity));
            return dbCollection.findOne(key);

Here you can see the MongoDB implementation that uses a Spring Data MongoTemplate to find a DBObject for the given key. There is a separate storeEntry method that is used to actually store the native object. In MongoDB this looks like:

protected Object storeEntry(final PersistentEntity persistentEntity, final EntityAccess entityAccess,
                            final Object storeId, final DBObject nativeEntry) {
    return mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() {
        public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
            nativeEntry.put(MONGO_ID_FIELD, storeId);
            return storeId;

Notice it doesn’t actually do anything native insert into a MongoDB collection. This is because the Datastore API supports the notion of batch insert operations and flushing. In the case of MongoDB the MongoSession implementation overrides the flushPendingInserts method of AbstractSession and performs a batch insert of multiple MongoDB documents (ie DBObjects) at once:

collection.insert(dbObjects.toArray(DBObject::new), writeConcernToUse);

Other datastores that do not support batch inserts would instead do the insert in the storeEntry method itself. For example the implementation for ConcurrentHashMap looks like (with Groovy):

protected storeEntry(PersistentEntity persistentEntity, EntityAccess entityAccess, storeId, Map nativeEntry) {
    if (!persistentEntity.root) {
        nativeEntry.discriminator = persistentEntity.discriminator
    datastore.put(storeId, nativeEntry)
    return storeId

3.3.4. Update

The updateEntry method is used to update an entry:

public void updateEntry(final PersistentEntity persistentEntity, final EntityAccess ea,
        final Object key, final DBObject entry) {
    mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() {
        public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
            String collectionName = getCollectionName(persistentEntity, entry);
            DBCollection dbCollection = con.getCollection(collectionName);
            if (isVersioned(ea)) {
                // TODO this should be done with a CAS approach if possible
                DBObject previous = dbCollection.findOne(key);
                checkVersion(ea, previous, persistentEntity, key);

            MongoSession mongoSession = (MongoSession) session;
            dbCollection.update(dbo, entry, false, false, mongoSession.getWriteConcern());
            return null;

As you can see again the underlying database specific update method is used, in this case the DBCollection's update method.

3.3.5. Delete

The deleteEntry method is used to delete an entry. For example in the ConcurrentHashMap implementation it is simply removed from the map:

protected void deleteEntry(String family, key, entry) {

Whilst in MongoDB the DBCollection object’s remove method is called:

protected void deleteEntry(String family, final Object key, final Object entry) {
    mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() {
        public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
            DBCollection dbCollection = getCollection(con);

            MongoSession mongoSession = (MongoSession) session;
            dbCollection.remove(key, mongoSession.getWriteConcern());
            return null;

        protected DBCollection getCollection(DB con) {
            return con.getCollection(getCollectionName(getPersistentEntity()));

Note that if the underlying datastore supports batch delete operations you may want override and implement the deleteEntries method which allows for deleting multiple entries in a single operation. The implementation for MongoDB looks like:

protected void deleteEntries(String family, final List<Object> keys) {
    mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() {
        public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
            String collectionName = getCollectionName(getPersistentEntity());
            DBCollection dbCollection = con.getCollection(collectionName);

            MongoSession mongoSession = (MongoSession) getSession();
            MongoQuery query = mongoSession.createQuery(getPersistentEntity().getJavaClass());
            query.in(getPersistentEntity().getIdentity().getName(), keys);


            return null;

You’ll notice that this implementation uses a MongoQuery instance. Also, it’s important to note that when implementing an EntityPersister, you enable basic CRUD operations, but not querying. The latter is a subject we’ll explore in the following sections. However, before delving into that, we need to cover secondary indices, as they are required for querying.

3.4. Secondary Indexing

Many datastores do not support secondary indexing or require you to build your own. In cases like this, you will need to implement a PropertyIndexer.

If the underlying datastore supports secondary indexes then it is ok to just return a null PropertyIndexer and let the datastore handle the indexing.

For example the ConcurrentHashMap implementation creates secondary indices by populating another Map containing the indices:

void index(value, primaryKey) {

    def index = getIndexName(value)
    def indexed = indices[index]
    if (indexed == null) {
        indexed = []
        indices[index] = indexed
    if (!indexed.contains(primaryKey)) {
        indexed << primaryKey

The implementation for Redis is very similar and stores the primary key in a Redis set:

public void index(final Object value, final Long primaryKey) {
      if (value == null) {
      final String primaryIndex = createRedisKey(value);
      redisTemplate.sadd(primaryIndex, primaryKey);

An index name is typically built from the entity name, property name and property value. The primary key of the entity is stored in this index for later querying. In fact there is a query method that needs to be implemented on PropertyIndexer. The ConcurrentHashMap implementation looks like this:

List query(value, int offset, int max) {
    def index = getIndexName(value)

    def indexed = indices[index]
    if (!indexed) {
        return Collections.emptyList()
    return indexed[offset..max]

Depending on the characteristics of the underlying database you may want to do the indexing asynchronously or you may want to index into a search library such as Lucene. For datastores that are eventually consistent for example it makes sense to do all indexing asynchronously.

Finally, when an object is deleted it will need to removed from the indices. This can be done with the deindex method:

void deindex(value, primaryKey) {
    def index = getIndexName(value)
    def indexed = indices[index]
    if (indexed) {

3.5. Implementing Querying

3.5.1. Introduction

The org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Query abstract class defines the query model, and it is the job of the GORM implementor to translate this query model into an underlying database query. This is different depending on the implementation and may involve:

  • Generating a String-based query such as SQL or JPA-QL

  • Creating a query object such as MongoDB’s use of a Document to define queries

  • Generating for use with manually created Secondary indices as is the case with Redis

The Query object defines the following:

  • One or many Criterion that define the criteria to query by.

  • Zero or more Projection instances that define what the data you want back will look like.

  • Pagination parameters such as max and offset

  • Sorting parameters

There are many types of Criterion for each specific type of query, examples include Equals, Between, Like etc. Depending on the capabilities of the underlying datastore you may implement only a few of these.

There are also many types of Projection such as SumProjection, MaxProjection and CountProjection. Again you may implement only a few of these.

If, for instance, the underlying datastore does not support the calculation of a sum or max for a specific property, you can utilize the ManualProjections class to carry out these operations in memory on the client.

Writing a Query implementation is probably the most complex part of implementing a GORM provider, but starts by subclassing the Query class and implementing the executeQuery method:

public class MongoQuery extends Query implements QueryArgumentsAware {


3.5.2. Using the Query Model

To implement querying you need to understand the Query model. As discussed, a Query contains a list of Criterion. However, the root Criterion could be a conjunction (an AND query) or a disjunction (an OR query). The Query may also contain a combination of regular criterion (=, !=, LIKE etc.) and junctions (AND, OR or NOT). Implementing a Query therefore requires writing a recursive method. The implementation for ConcurrentHashMap looks like:

Collection executeSubQueryInternal(criteria, criteriaList) {
    SimpleMapResultList resultList = new SimpleMapResultList(this)
    for (Query.Criterion criterion in criteriaList) {
        if (criterion instanceof Query.Junction) {
            resultList.results << executeSubQueryInternal(criterion, criterion.criteria)
        else {
            PersistentProperty property = getValidProperty(criterion)
            def handler = handlers[criterion.getClass()]

            def results = handler?.call(criterion, property) ?: []
            resultList.results << results

Note that if a Junction is encountered (representing AND, OR, or NOT), the method recursively handles the junctions. Otherwise, it obtains and executes a handler for the Criterion class. The handlers map is a map of Criterion class to query handlers. The implementation for Equals appears as follows:

def handlers = [
    (Query.Equals): { Query.Equals equals, PersistentProperty property ->
        def indexer = entityPersister.getPropertyIndexer(property)
        final value = subqueryIfNecessary(equals)
        return indexer.query(value)

This approach simply employs the property indexer to query for all identifiers. However, it’s worth noting that this is a scenario involving a datastore, such as ConcurrentHashMap, that lacks support for secondary indices. Instead of manually querying secondary indices in this manner, an alternative might be to construct a String-based or native query. For instance, in MongoDB, this process appears as follows:

queryHandlers.put(Equals.class, new QueryHandler<Equals>() {
    public void handle(PersistentEntity entity, Equals criterion, Document query) {
        String propertyName = getPropertyName(entity, criterion);
        Object value = criterion.getValue();
        PersistentProperty property = entity.getPropertyByName(criterion.getProperty());
        MongoEntityPersister.setDBObjectValue(query, propertyName, value, entity.getMappingContext());

Observe that in this case, the query takes the form of a DBObject. In the context of Gemfire, the implementation differs as follows:

queryHandlers.put(Equals.class, new QueryHandler() {
    public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, List params, int index) {
        Equals eq = (Equals) criterion;
        final String name = eq.getProperty();
        validateProperty(entity, name, Equals.class);

        q.append(calculateName(entity, name));
        return appendOrEmbedValue(q, params, index, eq.getValue(), EQUALS);

In this case a StringBuilder is used to construct a OQL query from the Query model.

3.6. GORM Enhancer

Once you have implemented the lower-level APIs you can trivially provide a GORM API to a set of Grails domain classes. For example consider the following simple domain class:

import grails.persistence.*

class Book {
    String title

The following setup code can be written to enable GORM for MongoDB:

// create context
def context = new MongoMappingContext(databaseName)

// create datastore
def mongoDatastore = new MongoDatastore(context)

// enhance
def enhancer = new MongoGormEnhancer(mongoDatastore, new DatastoreTransactionManager(datastore: mongoDatastore))

// use GORM!
def books = Book.list()

The key element for enabling the use of all GORM methods (list(), dynamic finders, etc.) is the utilization of the MongoGormEnhancer. This class is a subclass of org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormEnhancer and offers extensions to GORM specifically tailored for MongoDB. However, a subclass is not mandatory, and if you don’t need any datastore-specific extensions, you can equally use the standard GormEnhancer:

def enhancer = new GormEnhancer(mongoDatastore, new DatastoreTransactionManager(datastore: mongoDatastore))

3.7. Adding to GORM APIs

By default, the GORM compiler ensures that all GORM entities implement the GormEntity trait, which provides them with all the default GORM methods. Nevertheless, if there’s a need to extend GORM functionality to incorporate additional methods tailored to a specific datastore, you can achieve this by extending the GormEntity trait.

For example Neo4j adds methods for Cypher querying:

trait Neo4jEntity<D> extends GormEntity<D> {

    static Result cypherStatic(String queryString, Map params ) {
        def session = AbstractDatastore.retrieveSession(Neo4jDatastore)
        def graphDatabaseService = (GraphDatabaseService)session.nativeInterface
        graphDatabaseService.execute(queryString, params)

With this addition, you need to instruct the GORM compiler to make entities implement this trait. To achieve this, implement a TraitProvider:

package org.grails.datastore.gorm.neo4j

import grails.neo4j.Neo4jEntity
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.grails.compiler.gorm.GormEntityTraitProvider

class Neo4jEntityTraitProvider implements GormEntityTraitProvider {
    final Class entityTrait = Neo4jEntity

And then add a src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.grails.compiler.gorm.GormEntityTraitProvider file specifying the name of your trait provider:


GORM will automatically inject the trait into any domain class discovered in grails-app/domain or annotated with the Entity annotation. However, if Hibernate is present on the classpath, you must inform GORM to map the domain class with Neo4j:

static mapWith = "neo4j"

4. Using the Test Compatibility Kit

The grails-datastore-gorm-tck project provides several hundred tests to guarantee that a particular GORM implementation is compliant. To use the TCK you need to define a dependency on the TCK in the subprojects build.gradle file:

testCompile project(':grails-datastore-gorm-tck')

Then create a Setup.groovy file that sets up your custom datastore in your implementation.

For example the ConcurrentHashMap implementation has one defined in grails-datastore-gorm-test/src/test/groovy/org/grails/datastore/gorm/Setup.groovy:

class Setup {

    static destroy() {
        // noop
    static Session setup(classes) {

        def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext()
        def simple = new SimpleMapDatastore(ctx)

        for (cls in classes) {

        def enhancer = new GormEnhancer(simple, new DatastoreTransactionManager(datastore: simple))

        simple.mappingContext.addMappingContextListener({ e -> enhancer.enhance e } as MappingContext.Listener)

        simple.applicationContext.addApplicationListener new DomainEventListener(simple)
        simple.applicationContext.addApplicationListener new AutoTimestampEventListener(simple)

        return simple.connect()

Some setup code has been omitted for clarity, but essentially, the Setup.groovy class should initialize the Datastore and return a Session from the static setup method, which is passed a list of classes to configure.

With this setup, all the TCK tests will be run against the subproject. If a specific test cannot be implemented due to the underlying datastore lacking support for a particular feature, you can create a test with the same name as the failing test, and that will then override the corresponding test in the TCK.

For example: SimpleDB doesn’t support pagination. Add a grails.gorm.tests.PagedResultSpec class that overrides the one from the TCK. Each test is a Spock specification and Spock has an Ignore annotation that can be used to ignore a particular test:

 * Ignored for SimpleDB because SimpleDB doesn't support pagination
class PagedResultSpec extends GormDatastoreSpec{

5. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Implementation

To get started with a new GORM implementation, the following steps are required:

5.1. Initial Directory Creation

git clone https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping.git
cd grails-data-mapping
mkdir grails-datastore-gorm-xyz

5.2. Setup Gradle Build

Create build.gradle:

vi grails-datastore-gorm-xyz/build.gradle

With contents:

dependencies {
    implementation project(':grails-datastore-gorm'),

    testImplementation project(':grails-datastore-gorm-tck')
    testRuntime "javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:$servletApiVersion"


Add new project to settings.gradle in root project:

vi settings.gradle

Changes shown below:

// GORM Implementations

5.3. Create Project Source Directories

mkdir grails-datastore-gorm-xyz/src/main/groovy
mkdir grails-datastore-gorm-xyz/src/test/groovy

5.4. Generate IDE Project Files and Import into IDE (Optional)

./gradlew grails-datastore-gorm-xyz:idea


./gradlew grails-datastore-gorm-xyz:eclipse

5.5. Implement Required Interfaces

In src/main/groovy create implementations:

  • org.grails.datastore.xyz.XyzDatastore extends and implements org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.AbstractDatastore

  • org.grails.datastore.xyz.XyzSession extends and implements org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.AbstractSession

  • org.grails.datastore.xyz.engine.XyzEntityPersister extends and implements org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.NativeEntryEntityPersister

  • org.grails.datastore.xyz.query.XyzQuery extends and implements org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Query

5.6. Create Test Suite

In src/test/groovy create org.grails.datastore.gorm.Setup class to configure TCK:

class Setup {

    static xyz
    static destroy() {
    static Session setup(classes) {
        def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext()
        xyz = new XyzDatastore(ctx)
        for (cls in classes) {

        def enhancer = new GormEnhancer(xyz, new DatastoreTransactionManager(datastore: xyz))

        xyz.mappingContext.addMappingContextListener({ e -> enhancer.enhance e } as MappingContext.Listener)
        xyz.applicationContext.addApplicationListener new DomainEventListener(xyz)
        xyz.applicationContext.addApplicationListener new AutoTimestampEventListener(xyz)


Then in src/test/groovy create test suite class to allow running tests in IDE (without this you won’t be able to run TCK tests from the IDE). Example test suite:

package org.grails.datastore.gorm

import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses
import org.junit.runners.Suite
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import grails.gorm.tests.*

 * @author graemerocher
class XyzTestSuite {

5.7. Implement the TCK!

Keep iterating until you have implemented all the tests in the TCK.