MongoDB bridges the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and highly scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which provide rich queries and deep functionality).
MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source, document-oriented database.
This project aims to provide an object-mapping layer on top of Mongo to ease common activities such as:
Marshalling from Mongo to Groovy/Java types and back again
Support for GORM dynamic finders, criteria and named queries
Session-managed transactions
Validating domain instances backed by the Mongo datastore
Compatibility with GORM for Hibernate
This implementation tries to be as compatible as possible with GORM for Hibernate. In general you can refer to the GORM documentation and the "Domain Classes" section of the reference guide (see the right nav) for usage information.
The following key features are supported by GORM for Mongo:
Simple persistence methods
Dynamic finders
Criteria queries
Named queries
Embedded types
Query by example
However, some features are not supported:
HQL queries
Composite primary keys
Many-to-many associations (these can be modelled with a mapping class)
Any direct interaction with the Hibernate API
Custom Hibernate user types (custom types are allowed with a different API)
There may be other limitations not mentioned here so in general it shouldn’t be expected that an application based on GORM for Hibernate will "just work" without some tweaking involved. Having said that, the large majority of common GORM functionality is supported.
Release Notes
Below are the details of the changes across releases:
Support Apache Groovy 3, and Java 14
Upgrade to mongodb-driver-sync 4.3.3
Autowire bean by type in the Data Service
Compatible only with Grails 5
Support for MongoDB Driver 3.10.0
Support for Java 11
Removal of RxJava 1.x Module
Java 8 Minimum
GORM Data Services Support
Package Scanning Constructors
Decimal128 Type Support
MongoDB 3.4.x Java Driver Support
Multiple Data Sources Support
Multi Tenancy Support
RxGORM for MongoDB (Using MongoDB Rx Drivers)
Unified Configuration model
MongoDB 3.x driver support
New Codec Persistence Engine
Removal of GMongo
Trait based
Grails 3 compatibility
Support for MongoDB 2.6
MongoDB 2.6 GeoJSON type support (
) -
Support for Maps of embedded entities
Flexible index definition
Full text search support
Support for projections using MongoDB aggregation
Size related criteria implemented (
etc.) on collections
GeoJSON shape support
Support for SSL connections
Support for MongoDB connection strings
Support for stateless mode to improve read performance
Support for dynamically switching which database or collection to persist to at runtime
MongoDB plugin 1.2 and above requires Grails 2.1.5 or 2.2.1 as a minimum Grails version, if you are using older versions of Grails you will need to stay with 1.1 |
1.1 GA
DBRefs no longer used by default for associations
Upgrade to GMongo 1.0 and Spring Data MongoDB 1.1
Support for global mapping configuration
1.0 GA
Initial feature complete 1.0 release
Upgrade Notes
Dependency Upgrades
GORM 7.1 supports Apache Groovy 3, Java 14, MongoDB Driver 4.3 and Spring 5.3.x.
Each of these underlying components may have changes that require altering your application. These changes are beyond the scope of this documentation.
Default Autowire By Type inside GORM Data Services
A Grails Service (or a bean) inside GORM DataService will default to autowire by-type, For example:
package example
abstract class BookService {
TestService testRepo
abstract Book save(String title, String author)
void doSomething() {
assert testRepo != null
Please note that with autowire by-type as the default, when multiple beans for same type are found the application with throw Exception. Use the Spring `@Qualifier annotation for Fine-tuning Annotation Based Autowiring with Qualifiers.
Getting Started
Basic Setup
To get started with GORM for MongoDB within Grails you need configure it as a dependency in build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'org.grails.plugins:mongodb:9.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
Common Errors
If you receive an error that indicates a failure to resolve the grails-datastore-simple
dependency you may need to add the following to build.gradle
directly above the dependencies
configurations.all {
exclude module:'grails-datastore-simple'
If you receive an error at runtime such as:
Caused by: org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException: Can't find a codec for class org.bson.BsonDecimal128.
at org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecCache.getOrThrow(
at org.bson.codecs.configuration.ProvidersCodecRegistry.get(
at org.bson.codecs.configuration.ChildCodecRegistry.get(
at org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeCodecMap.<init>(
at org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec.<init>(
It means you have an older version of the MongoDB Java driver on your classpath and you should add the following declaration to build.gradle
to ensure the dependency is correct:
compile "org.mongodb:mongodb-driver:5.3.1"
Configuring MongoDB
With that done you need to set up a running MongoDB server. Refer to the MongoDB Documentation for an explanation on how to startup a MongoDB instance. Once installed, starting MongoDB is typically a matter of executing the following command:
With the above command executed in a terminal window you should see output like the following appear:
2015-11-18T19:38:50.073+0100 I JOURNAL <<initandlisten>> journal dir=/data/db/journal
2015-11-18T19:38:50.073+0100 I JOURNAL <<initandlisten>> recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I JOURNAL <<durability>> Durability thread started
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I JOURNAL <<journal writer>> Journal writer thread started
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> MongoDB starting : pid=52540 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=Graemes-iMac.local
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>>
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>>
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> ** WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is 256, should be at least 1000
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> db version v3.0.4
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> git version: 0481c958daeb2969800511e7475dc66986fa9ed5
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> build info: Darwin 12.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.5.0: Sun Sep 29 13:33:47 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.48.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_49
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> allocator: system
2015-11-18T19:38:50.090+0100 I CONTROL <<initandlisten>> options: {}
2015-11-18T19:38:50.176+0100 I NETWORK <<initandlisten>> waiting for connections on port 27017
As you can see the server is running on port 27017, but don’t worry the MongoDB plugin for Grails will automatically configure itself to look for MongoDB on that port by default.
If you want to configure how Grails connects to MongoDB then you can do so using the following settings in grails-app/conf/application.yml
host: "localhost"
port: 27017
username: "blah"
password: "blah"
databaseName: "foo"
Using MongoDB Standalone
If you plan to use MongoDB as your primary datastore then you need to remove the Hibernate plugin from the build.gradle
file by commenting out the hibernate line in the plugins block
compile 'org.grails.plugins:hibernate'
With this done all domain classes in grails-app/domain will be persisted via MongoDB and not Hibernate. You can create a domain class by running the regular create-domain-class
grails create-domain-class Person
The Person
domain class will automatically be a persistent entity that can be stored in MongoDB.
Combining MongoDB and Hibernate
If you have both the Hibernate and Mongo plugins installed then by default all classes in the grails-app/domain
directory will be persisted by Hibernate and not Mongo. If you want to persist a particular domain class with Mongo then you must use the mapWith
property in the domain class:
static mapWith = "mongo"
Advanced Configuration
Mongo Database Connection Configuration
As mentioned the GORM for MongoDB plugin will configure all the defaults for you, but if you wish to customize those defaults you can do so in the grails-app/conf/application.groovy
grails {
mongodb {
host = "localhost"
port = 27017
username = "blah"
password = "blah"
databaseName = "foo"
The databaseName
setting configures the default database name. If not specified the databaseName
will default to the name of your application.
You can also customize the MongoDB connection settings using an options
grails {
mongodb {
options {
autoConnectRetry = true
connectTimeout = 300
Available options and their descriptions are defined in the MongoClientOptions javadoc.
MongoDB Connection Strings
Since 2.0, you can also use MongoDB connection strings to configure the connection:
grails {
mongodb {
url = "mongodb://localhost/mydb"
Using MongoDB connection strings is currently the most flexible and recommended way to configure MongoDB connections.
Configuration Options Guide
Below is a complete example showing all configuration options:
grails {
mongodb {
databaseName = "myDb" // the default database name
host = "localhost" // the host to connect to
port = 27017 // the port to connect to
username = ".." // the username to connect with
password = ".." // the password to connect with
stateless = false // whether to use stateless sessions by default
// Alternatively, using 'url'
// url = "mongodb://localhost/mydb"
options {
connectionsPerHost = 10 // The maximum number of connections allowed per host
threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = 5
maxWaitTime = 120000 // Max wait time of a blocking thread for a connection.
connectTimeout = 0 // The connect timeout in milliseconds. 0 == infinite
socketTimeout = 0 // The socket timeout. 0 == infinite
socketKeepAlive = false // Whether or not to have socket keep alive turned on
writeConcern = new com.mongodb.WriteConcern(0, 0, false) // Specifies the number of servers to wait for on the write operation, and exception raising behavior
sslEnabled = false // Specifies if the driver should use an SSL connection to Mongo
socketFactory = ... // Specifies the SocketFactory to use for creating connections
Global Mapping Configuration
Using the grails.mongodb.default.mapping
setting in grails-app/conf/application.groovy
you can configure global mapping options across your domain classes. This is useful if, for example, you want to disable optimistic locking globally or you wish to use DBRefs
in your association mappings. For example, the following configuration will disable optimistic locking globally and use DBRefs
for all properties:
grails.mongodb.default.mapping = {
version false
The *
method is used to indicate that the setting applies to all properties.
Using GORM in Spring Boot
To use GORM for MongoDB in Spring Boot add the necessary dependencies to your Boot application:
Ensure your Boot Application
class is annotated with ComponentScan
, example:
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration
import org.springframework.context.annotation.*
class Application {
static void main(String[] args) { Application, args
Using ComponentScan without a value results in Boot scanning for classes in the same package or any package nested within the Application class package.
If your GORM entities are in a different package specify the package name as the value of the ComponentScan annotation.
Finally create your GORM entities and ensure they are annotated with grails.persistence.Entity
import grails.persistence.*
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
GORM for MongoDB without Grails
If you wish to use GORM for MongoDB outside of a Grails application you should declare the necessary dependencies, for example in Gradle:
compile "org.grails:grails-datastore-gorm-mongodb:9.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
Then annotate your entities with the grails.gorm.annotation.Entity
class Person {
String name
Then you need to place the bootstrap logic somewhere in the loading sequence of your application which uses MongoDatastore
def datastore = new MongoDatastore(Person)
println Person.count()
For configuration you can either pass a map or an instance of the org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver
def initializer = new MongoDatastore(['grails.mongodb.url':'http://myserver'], Person)
println Person.count()
If you are using Spring with an existing ApplicationContext
you can instead call MongoDbDataStoreSpringInitializer.configureForBeanDefinitionRegistry
prior to refreshing the context. You can pass the Spring Environment
object to the constructor for configuration:
ApplicationContext myApplicationContext = ...
def initializer = new MongoDbDataStoreSpringInitializer(myApplicationContext.getEnvironment(), Person)
println Person.count()
Mapping Domain Classes
Basic Mapping
The way GORM for MongoDB works is to map each domain class to a Mongo collection. For example given a domain class such as:
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
static hasMany = [pets:Pet]
This will map onto a MongoDB Collection called "person".
Embedded Documents
It is quite common in MongoDB to embed documents within documents (nested documents). This can be done with GORM embedded types:
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Address address
static embedded = ['address']
You can map embedded lists and sets of documents/domain classes:
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Address address
List otherAddresses
static embedded = ['address', 'otherAddresses']
You can also embed maps of embedded classes where the keys are strings:
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Map<String,Address> addresses
static embedded = ['addresses']
Basic Collection Types
You can also map lists and maps of basic types (such as strings) simply by defining the appropriate collection type:
class Person {
List<String> friends
Map pets
new Person(friends:['Fred', 'Bob'], pets:[chuck:"Dog", eddie:'Parrot']).save(flush:true)
Basic collection types are stored as native ArrayList and BSON documents within the Mongo documents.
Customized Collection and Database Mapping
You may wish to customize how a domain class maps onto a MongoCollection
. This is possible using the mapping
block as follows:
class Person {
static mapping = {
collection "mycollection"
database "mydb"
In this example we see that the Person
entity has been mapped to a collection called "mycollection" in a database called "mydb".
You can also control how an individual property maps onto a Mongo Document field (the default is to use the property name itself):
class Person {
static mapping = {
firstName attr:"first_name"
If you are using the mapping engine, for non-embedded associations by default GORM for MongoDB will map links between documents using MongoDB database references also known as DBRefs
If you prefer not to use DBRefs then you tell GORM to use direct links by using the reference:false
class Person {
static mapping = {
address reference:false
Identity Generation
By default in GORM entities are supplied with an integer-based identifier. So for example the following entity:
class Person {}
Has a property called id
of type java.lang.Long
. In this case GORM for Mongo will generate a sequence based identifier using the technique described in the Mongo documentation on Atomic operations.
However, sequence based integer identifiers are not ideal for environments that require sharding (one of the nicer features of Mongo). Hence it is generally advised to use either String based ids:
class Person {
String id
Or a native BSON ObjectId:
import org.bson.types.ObjectId
class Person {
ObjectId id
BSON ObjectId
instances are generated in a similar fashion to UUIDs
Assigned Identifiers
Note that if you manually assign an identifier, then you will need to use the insert
method instead of the save
method, otherwise GORM can’t work out whether you are trying to achieve an insert or an update. Example:
class Person {
String id
Person p = new Person() = "Fred"
// to insert
// to update
Understanding Dirty Checking
In order to be as efficient as possible when it comes to generating updates GORM for MongoDb will track changes you make to persistent instances.
When an object is updated only the properties or associations that have changed will be updated.
You can check whether a given property has changed by using the hasChanged
if( person.hasChanged('firstName') ) {
// do something
This method is defined by the org.grails.datastore.mapping.dirty.checking.DirtyCheckable
In the case of collections and association types GORM for MongoDB will wrap each collection in a dirty checking aware collection type.
One of the implications of this is if you override the collection with a non-dirty checking aware type it can disable dirty checking and prevent the property from being updated.
If any of your updates are not updating the properties that you anticipate you can force an update using the markDirty() method:
This will force GORM for MongoDB to issue an update for the given property name.
Dirty Checking and Proxies
Dirty checking uses the equals()
method to determine if a property has changed. In the case of associations, it is important to recognize that if the association is a proxy, comparing properties on the domain that are not related to the identifier will initialize the proxy, causing another database query.
If the association does not define equals()
method, then the default Groovy behavior of verifying the instances are the same will be used. Because proxies are not the same instance as an instance loaded from the database, which can cause confusing behavior. It is recommended to implement the equals()
method if you need to check the dirtiness of an association. For example:
class Author {
Long id
String name
* This ensures that if either or both of the instances
* have a null id (new instances), they are not equal.
boolean equals(o) {
if (!(o instanceof Author)) return false
if ( return true
Author that = (Author) o
if (id !=null && !=null) return id ==
return false
class Book {
Long id
String title
Author author
Querying Indexing
MongoDB doesn’t require that you specify indices to query, but like a relational database without specifying indices your queries will be significantly slower.
With that in mind it is important to specify the properties you plan to query using the mapping block:
class Person {
String name
static mapping = {
name index:true
With the above mapping a MongoDB index will be automatically created for you. You can customize the index options using the indexAttributes
configuration parameter:
class Person {
String name
static mapping = {
name index:true, indexAttributes: [unique:true, dropDups:true]
You can use MongoDB Query Hints by passing the hint
argument to any dynamic finder:
def people = Person.findByName("Bob", [hint:[name:1]])
Or in a criteria query using the query "arguments" method
Person.withCriteria {
eq 'firstName', 'Bob'
arguments hint:[1][firstName] }
Compound Indices
MongoDB supports the notion of compound keys. GORM for MongoDB enables this feature at the mapping level using the compoundIndex
class Person {
static mapping = {
compoundIndex name:1, age:-1
As per the MongoDB docs 1 is for ascending and -1 is for descending.
Indexing using the index method
In addition to the convenience features described above you can use the index
method to define any index you want. For example:
static mapping = {
index( [1],[person.address.postCode] [unique:true] )
In the above example I define an index on an embedded attribtue of the document. In fact what arguments you pass to the index
method get passed to the underlying MongoDB createIndex method.
Customizing the WriteConcern
A feature of MongoDB is its ability to customize how important a database write is to the user. The Java client models this as a WriteConcern and there are various options that indicate whether the client cares about server or network errors, or whether the data has been successfully written or not.
If you wish to customize the WriteConcern
for a domain class you can do so in the mapping block:
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern
class Person {
String name
static mapping = {
writeConcern WriteConcern.FSYNC_SAFE
For versioned entities, if a lower level of WriteConcern than WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGE is specified, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGE will also be used for updates, to ensure that optimistic locking failures are reported. |
Dynamic Attributes
Unlike a relational database, MongoDB allows for "schemaless" persistence where there are no limits to the number of attributes a particular document can have. A GORM domain class on the other hand has a schema in that there are a fixed number of properties. For example consider the following domain class:
class Plant {
boolean goesInPatch
String name
Here there are two fixed properties, name
and goesInPatch
, that will be persisted into the MongoDB document. Using GORM for MongoDB you can however use dynamic properties via the Groovy subscript operator. For example:
def p = new Plant(name:"Pineapple")
p['color'] = 'Yellow'
p['hasLeaves'] = true
p = Plant.findByName("Pineapple")
println p['color']
println p['hasLeaves']
Using the subscript operator you can add additional attributes to the underlying Document
instance that gets persisted to the MongoDB allowing for more dynamic domain models.
Custom User Types
GORM for MongoDB will persist all common known Java types like String, Integer, URL etc., however if you want to persist one of your own classes that is not a domain class you can implement a custom user type.
Custom Codecs
GORM for MongoDB is built ontop of MongoDB’s BSON encoding framework. This means it is possible to implement custom Codecs for encoding and decoding values to and from BSON.
For example consider the following simple Groovy class:
class Birthday {
Date date
By default the encoding engine does not know how to represent this type as a BSON value. To make the encoding engine understand this type you have to implement a custom codec:
import org.bson.*
import org.bson.codecs.*
class BirthdayCodec implements Codec<Birthday> {
Birthday decode(BsonReader reader, DecoderContext decoderContext) {
return new Birthday(date: new Date(reader.readDateTime())) (1)
void encode(BsonWriter writer, Birthday value, EncoderContext encoderContext) {
writer.writeDateTime( (2)
Class<Birthday> getEncoderClass() { Birthday } (3)
1 | Decodes the Birthday type from the BsonReader |
2 | Encodes the Birthday type to the BsonWriter |
3 | Returns the type that is to be encoded. In this case Birthday . |
With that done you then need to register the custom Codec
. There are two ways to achieve this.
You can register a list of codecs in the grails.mongodb.codecs
setting in application.yml
Or you can create a META-INF/services/org.bson.codecs.Codec
file containing the fully qualified class name of the Codec
. If there are multiple codec classes you would like to register, put each one on a separate line.
Custom Types with GORM
Another option is to define a GORM custom type. For example consider the following class:
class Birthday implements Comparable{
Date date
Birthday(Date date) { = date
int compareTo(Object t) {
Custom types should go in src/groovy not grails-app/domain |
If you attempt to reference this class from a domain class it will not automatically be persisted for you. However you can create a custom type implementation and register it with Spring. For example:
import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
import org.bson.Document
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.types.AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.mongo.query.MongoQuery
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Query
class BirthdayType extends AbstractMappingAwareCustomTypeMarshaller<Birthday, Document, Document> {
protected Object writeInternal(PersistentProperty property, String key, Birthday value, Document nativeTarget) {
final converted =
nativeTarget.put(key, converted)
return converted
protected void queryInternal(PersistentProperty property, String key, PropertyCriterion criterion, Document nativeQuery) {
if (criterion instanceof Between) {
def dbo = new BasicDBObject()
dbo.put(MongoQuery.MONGO_GTE_OPERATOR, criterion.getFrom().date.time)
dbo.put(MongoQuery.MONGO_LTE_OPERATOR, criterion.getTo().date.time)
nativeQuery.put(key, dbo)
else {
protected Birthday readInternal(PersistentProperty property, String key, Document nativeSource) {
final num = nativeSource.get(key)
if (num instanceof Long) {
return new Birthday(new Date(num))
return null
The above BirthdayType
class is a custom user type implementation for MongoDB for the Birthday
class. It provides implementations for three methods: readInternal
, writeInternal
and the optional queryInternal
. If you do not implement queryInternal
your custom type can be persisted but not queried.
The writeInternal
method gets passed the property, the key to store it under, the value and the native DBObject where the custom type is to be stored:
protected Object writeInternal(PersistentProperty property, String key, Birthday value, DBObject nativeTarget) {
final converted =
nativeTarget.put(key, converted)
return converted
You can then read the values of the custom type and register them with the DBObject
. The readInternal
method gets passed the PersistentProperty
, the key the user type info is stored under (although you may want to use multiple keys) and the DBObject
protected Birthday readInternal(PersistentProperty property, String key, Document nativeSource) {
final num = nativeSource.get(key)
if(num instanceof Long) {
return new Birthday(new Date(num))
return null
You can then construct the custom type by reading values from the DBObject
. Finally the queryInternal
method allows you to handle how a custom type is queried:
protected void queryInternal(PersistentProperty property, String key, Query.PropertyCriterion criterion, Document nativeQuery) {
if(criterion instanceof Between) {
def dbo = new BasicDBObject()
dbo.put(MongoQuery.MONGO_GTE_OPERATOR, criterion.getFrom().date.time);
dbo.put(MongoQuery.MONGO_LTE_OPERATOR, criterion.getTo().date.time);
nativeQuery.put(key, dbo)
else if(criterion instanceof Equals){
else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported query type for property $property")
The method gets passed a criterion
which is the type of query and depending on the type of query you may handle the query differently. For example the above implementation supports between
and equals
style queries. So the following 2 queries will work:
Person.findByBirthday(new Birthday(new Date()-7)) // find someone who was born 7 days ago
Person.findByBirthdayBetween(new Birthday(new Date()-7), new Birthday(new Date())) // find someone who was born in the last 7 days
However "like" or other query types will not work.
To register a custom type in a grails application simply register it as Spring bean. For example, to register the above BirthdayType
add the following to grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
import com.example.*
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
birthdayType(BirthdayType, Birthday)
Basic Querying
GORM for MongoDB supports all of the regular methods for executing GORM queries apart from HQL, which is a Hibernate specific query language more appropriate for SQL databases.
If you wish to execute a native MongoDB query you can use the find
method that takes a Bson argument. For example:
Unresolved directive in querying/queryingBasics.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/gorm/src/test/groovy/grails/gorm/tests/FindNativeSpec.groovy[tags=nativeImport]
Unresolved directive in querying/queryingBasics.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/gorm/src/test/groovy/grails/gorm/tests/FindNativeSpec.groovy[tags=nativeFind,indent=0]
The find
method will return a FindIterable instance that you can then use to further customize via filters, sorting and projections.
For the full MongoDB client model refer to the com.mongodb.client.model package. |
The find
method will return instances of your domain class for each query. If you wish to instead obtain MongoDB Document instance then you should use the collection
property of the domain class:
Unresolved directive in querying/queryingBasics.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/gorm/src/test/groovy/grails/gorm/tests/FindNativeSpec.groovy[tags=nativeImport]
Unresolved directive in querying/queryingBasics.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/gorm/src/test/groovy/grails/gorm/tests/FindNativeSpec.groovy[tags=collectionFind,indent=0]
Geospacial Querying
MongoDB supports storing Geospacial data in both flat and spherical surface types.
To store data in a flat surface you use a "2d" index, whilst a "2dsphere" index used for spherical data. GORM for MongoDB supports both and the following sections describe how to define and query Geospacial data.
Geospacial 2D Sphere Support
Using a 2dsphere Index
MongoDB’s 2dsphere indexes support queries that calculate geometries on an earth-like sphere.
Although you can use coordinate pairs in a 2dsphere index, they are considered legacy by the MongoDB documentation and it is recommended you store data using GeoJSON Point types.
MongoDB legacy coordinate pairs are in latitude / longitude order, whilst GeoJSON points are stored in longitude / latitude order! |
To support this GORM for MongoDB features a special type, grails.mongodb.geo.Point
, that can be used within domain classes to store geospacial data:
import grails.mongodb.geo.*
class Restaurant {
ObjectId id
Point location
static mapping = {
location geoIndex:'2dsphere'
The Point
type gets persisted as a GeoJSON Point. A Point
can be constructed from coordinates represented in longitude and latitude (the inverse of 2d index location coordinates!). Example:
Restaurant r = new Restaurant(location: new Point(50, 50)) = "Dan's Burgers"
Restaurant.findByLocation(new Point(50,50))
Querying a 2dsphere Index
Once the 2dsphere index is in place you can use various MongoDB plugin specific dynamic finders to query, including:
findBy…GeoWithin - Find out whether a
is within aBox
findBy…GeoIntersects - Find out whether a
is within aBox
findBy…Near - Find out whether any GeoJSON
is near the givenPoint
findBy…NearSphere - Find out whether any GeoJSON
is near the givenPoint
using spherical geometry.
Some examples:
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Polygon.valueOf([ [0, 0], [100, 0], [100, 100], [0, 100], [0, 0] ]) )
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Box.valueOf( [[25, 25], [100, 100]] ) )
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Circle.valueOf( [[50, 50], 100] ) )
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Sphere.valueOf( [[50, 50], 0.06]) )
Restaurant.findByLocationNear( Point.valueOf( 40, 40 ) )
Note that a Sphere differs from a Circle in that the radius is specified in radians.
There is a special Distance class that can help with radian calculation.
Native Querying Support
In addition to being able to pass any Shape
to geospacial query methods you can also pass a map that represents the native values to be passe to the underlying query. For example:
def results = Restaurant.findAllByLocationNear( [$geometry: [type:'Point', coordinates: [1,7]], $maxDistance:30000] )
In the above example the native query parameters are simply passed to the $near query
Geospacial 2D Index Support
MongoDB supports 2d indexes that store points on a two-dimensional plane. although they are considered legacy and you should use 2dsphere
indexes instead.
It is possible to use a MongoDB 2d index by mapping a list or map property using the geoIndex
class Hotel {
String name
List location
static mapping = {
location geoIndex:'2d'
By default the index creation assumes latitude/longitude and thus is configured for a -180..180 range. If you are indexing something else you can customise this with indexAttributes
class Hotel {
String name
List location
static mapping = {
location geoIndex:'2d', indexAttributes:[min:-500, max:500]
You can then save Geo locations using a two dimensional list:
new Hotel(name:"Hilton", location:[50, 50]).save()
Alternatively you can use a map with keys representing latitude and longitude:
new Hotel(name:"Hilton", location:[lat: 40.739037d, long: 73.992964d]).save()
You must specify whether the number of a floating point or double by adding a d or f at the end of the number eg. 40.739037d. Groovy’s default type for decimal numbers is BigDecimal which is not supported by MongoDB.
Once you have your data indexed you can use MongoDB specific dynamic finders to find hotels near a given a location:
def h = Hotel.findByLocationNear([50, 60])
assert == 'Hilton'
You can also find a location within a box (bound queries). Boxes are defined by specifying the lower-left and upper-right corners:
def box = [[40.73083d, -73.99756d], [40.741404d, -73.988135d]]
def h = Hotel.findByLocationWithinBox(box)
You can also find a location within a circle. Circles are specified using a center and radius:
def center = [50, 50]
def radius = 10
def h = Hotel.findByLocationWithinCircle([center, radius])
If you plan on querying a location and some other value it is recommended to use a compound index:
class Hotel {
String name
List location
int stars
static mapping = {
compoundIndex location:"2d", stars:1
In the example above you an index is created for both the location and the number of stars a Hotel
GeoJSON Data Models
You can also store any GeoJSON shape using the grails.mongodb.geo.Shape
super class:
import grails.mongodb.geo.*
class Entry {
ObjectId id
Shape shape
static mapping = {
shape geoIndex:'2dsphere'
new Entry(shape: Polygon.valueOf([[[3, 1], [1, 2], [5, 6], [9, 2], [4, 3], [3, 1]]]) ).save()
new Entry(shape: LineString.valueOf([[5, 2], [7, 3], [7, 5], [9, 4]]) ).save()
new Entry(shape: Point.valueOf([5, 2])).save()
And then use the findBy*GeoIntersects
method to figure out whether shapes intersect with each other:
assert Entry.findByShapeGeoIntersects( Polygon.valueOf( [[ [0,0], [3,0], [3,3], [0,3], [0,0] ]] ) )
assert Entry.findByShapeGeoIntersects( LineString.valueOf( [[1,4], [8,4]] ) )
Full Text Search
Using MongoDB 2.6 and above you can create full text search indices.
To create a "text" index using the index
method inside the mapping
class Product {
ObjectId id
String title
static mapping = {
index title:"text"
You can then search for instances using the search
assert"bake coffee cake").size() == 10
assert"bake coffee -cake").size() == 6
You can search for the top results by rank using the searchTop
assert Product.searchTop("cake").size() == 4
assert Product.searchTop("cake",3).size() == 3
And count the number of hits with the countHits
assert Product.countHits('coffee') == 5
Multiple Data Sources
GORM for MongoDB supports the notion of multiple data sources where multiple individual MongoClient
instances can be configured and switched between.
Configuring Multiple Mongo Clients
To configure multiple Mongo client connections you need to use the grails.mongodb.connections
setting. For example in application.yml
url: mongodb://localhost/books
url: mongodb://localhost/moreBooks
url: mongodb://localhost/moreBooks
You can configure individual settings for each Mongo client. If a setting is not specified by default the setting is inherited from the default Mongo client.
Mapping Domain Classes to Mongo Clients
If a domain class has no specify Mongo client connection configuration then the default is used.
You can set the connection
method in the mapping
block to configure an alternate Mongo Client.
For example, if you want to use the ZipCode
domain to use a Mongo client connection called 'lookup'
, configure it like this:
class ZipCode {
String code
static mapping = {
connection 'lookup'
A domain class can also use two or more configured Mongo client connections by using the connections
method with a list of names to configure more than one, for example:
class ZipCode {
String code
static mapping = {
connections(['lookup', 'auditing'])
If a domain class uses the default connection and one or more others, you can use the ConnectionSource.DEFAULT
constant to indicate that:
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections.*
class ZipCode {
String code
static mapping = {
connections(['lookup', ConnectionSource.DEFAULT])
If a domain class uses all configured DataSource
instances use the value ALL
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections.*
class ZipCode {
String code
static mapping = {
connection ConnectionSource.ALL
Switching between Mongo Clients
You can switch to a different connection at runtime with the withConnection
Book.withConnection("moreBooks") {
Any logic executed within the body of the closure will use the alternate connection. Once the close finishes execution GORM will switch back to the default connection automatically.
The ConnectionSources API
Introduced in GORM 6.0, the ConnectionSources API allows you to introspect the data sources configured for the application:
MongoDatastore mongoDatastore
ConnectionSources<MongoClient, MongoConnectionSourceSettings> connectionSources
= mongoDatastore.getConnectionSources()
for(ConnectionSource<MongoClient, MongoConnectionSourceSettings> connectionSource in connectionSources) {
println "Name $"
MongoClient mongoClient = connectionSource.source
Switching Database or Collection at Runtime
In addition to storing dynamic attributes, as of version 1.3.0 of the plugin you can also switch which database and/or collection to persist to at runtime.
For example:
Person.withDatabase("administrators") {
new Person(name:"Bob").save()
The above example will save a Person
instance to the administrators database. The database is used for the scope of the closure. You can switch database for the scope of the active session:
new Person(name:"Bob").save()
In addition, there are equivalent withCollection
and useCollection
methods for switching collection at runtime.
GORM for MongoDb supports the following multi-tenancy modes:
- A separate database with a separate connection pool is used to store each tenants data. -
- The same database, but different schemas are used to store each tenants data. -
- The same database is used with a discriminator used to partition and isolate data.
Configuring Multi Tenancy
You can configure Multi-Tenancy the same way described in the GORM for Hibernate documenation, simply specify a multi tenancy mode and resolver:
tenantResolverClass: org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.web.SubDomainTenantResolver
Note that if you are using MongoDB and Hibernate together the above configuration will configure both MongoDB and Hibernate to use a multi-tenancy mode of DATABASE
If you only want to enable multi-tenancy for MongoDB only you can use the following configuration instead:
tenantResolverClass: org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.web.SubDomainTenantResolver
Multi-Tenancy Transformations
The following transformations can be applied to any class to simplify greatly the development of Multi-Tenant applications. These include:
- Resolve the current tenant for the context of a class or method -
- Use a specific tenant for the context of a class or method -
- Execute logic without a specific tenant (using the default connection)
For example:
import grails.gorm.multitenancy.*
// resolve the current tenant for every method
class TeamService {
// execute the countPlayers method without a tenant id
int countPlayers() {
// use the tenant id "another" for all GORM logic within the method
List<Team> allTwoTeams() {
List<Team> listTeams() {
void addTeam(String name) {
new Team(name:name).save(flush:true)
Multi Tenancy Modes
As mentioned previously, GORM for MongoDB supports all three multi tenancy modes however there are some considerations to keep in mind.
Database Per Tenant
When using the DATABASE
mode, only GORM methods calls are dispatched to the correct tenant. This means the following will use the tenant id:
// switches to the correct client based on the tenant id
However, going directly through the MongoClient
will not work:
@Autowired MongoClient mongoClient
// uses the default connection and doesn't resolve the tenant it
If you are working directly with the MongoClient
instance you need to make sure you obtain the correct instance. For example:
import grails.gorm.multitenancy.*
@Autowired MongoDatastore mongoDatastore
MongoClient mongoClient =
Schema Per Tenant
When using the SCHEMA
mode, GORM for MongoDB will use a different MongoDB database, but the same MongoClient
instance, for each tenant.
However, once again only GORM methods will use the correct database. For example:
// switches to the correct database based on the tenant id
However, getting the database directly from MongoClient
will not work:
@Autowired MongoClient mongoClient
// uses the default connection and doesn't resolve the tenant it
To resolve this you should always use the DB
property of the class which will ensure the right database is used:
// switches to the correct database based on the tenant id
Partitioned Multi-Tenancy
When using the DISCRIMINATOR
approach, GORM for MongoDB will store a tenantId
attribute in each MongoDB document and attempt to partition the data.
Once again this works only when using GORM methods and even then there are cases where it will not work if you use native MongoDB interfaces.
For example the following works fine:
// correctly includes the `tenantId` in the query
As does this:
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*;
// correctly includes the `tenantId` in the query
Book.find(eq("title", "The Stand")).first()
But this logic bypasses any built into tenant id interception and inclusion:
Since you are operating directly on the collection GORM cannot know when you perform a query on said collection.
In this case you will have to ensure to include the tenantId
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*;
Book.collection.find(eq("tenantId", Tenants.currentId())).first()
And the same is true of write operations such as inserts that are done with the native API.
Dynamic ConnectionSources
If you are using a multi-tenancy mode of DATABASE
then by default the expectation is that all tenants are configured in your application.yml
However, it is possible read your Mongo client connection sources dynamically using MongoConnectionSources.
The MongoConnectionSources
class will read the mongo client configurations from a Mongo collection called mongo.connections
by default. To configure it you must specify the connectionSourcesClass
in application.yml
connectionSourcesClass: org.grails.datastore.mapping.mongo.connections.MongoConnectionSources
connectionsCollection: "myconnections"
You can then even add new connections at runtime using the ConnectionSources
import grails.gorm.multitenancy.*
@Autowired MongoDatastore mongoDatastore
def configuration = [url:"mongodb://localhost/moreBooks"]
MongoClient mongoClient =
.addConnectionSource("moreBooks", configuration)
All new connection sources will be stored within the specified connectionsCollection
and if the application is restarted will read from the connectionsCollection
GORM for MongoDB does not implement provisioning of new MongoDB instances at runtime. This is something that would need to be implemented by a cloud services provider for example. |
Stateless Mode
GORM for MongoDB supports both stateless and stateful modes for mapping domain classes to MongoDB. In general stateful mapping is superior for write heavy applications and stateless mode better for read heavy applications (particularily when large amounts of data is involved).
Stateful mode
Domain classes are by default stateful, which means when they are read from a MongoDB document their state is stored in the user session (which is typically bound to the request in Grails). This has several advantages for write heavy applications:
GORM can automatically detect whether a call to save() is an update or an insert and act appropriately
GORM stores the state of the read MongoDB document and therefore updates to schemaless properties don’t require an extra query
GORM can store the current version and therefore implement optimistic locking
Repeated reads of the same entity can be retrieved from the cache, thus optimizing reads as well
For an example of when a stateful domain class is better consider the following:
def b = Book.get(1)
b['pages'] = 400
b['publisher'] = 'Manning'
b['rating'] = 5
With a stateful entity the updates to the three properties can be batched up and executed in the save() call, when there is no state then 3 updates needs to be executed for each schemaless property (ouch!).
Stateless Domain classes
However, stateful domain classes can cause problems for read-heavy applications. Take for example the following code:
def books = Book.list() // read 100,000 books
for(b in books) {
println b.title
The above example will read 100,000 books and print the title of each. In stateful mode this will almost certainly run out of memory as each MongoDB document is stored in user memory as is each book. Rewriting the code as follows will solve the problem:
Book.withStatelessSession {
def books = Book.list() // read 100,000 books
for(b in books) {
println b.title
Alternatively you can map the domain class as stateless, in which case its state will never be stored in the session:
class Book {
static mapping = {
stateless true
Disadvantages of Stateless Mode
There are several disadvantages to using stateless domain classes as the default. One disadvantage is that if you are using assigned identifiers GORM cannot detect whether you want to do an insert or an update so you have to be explicit about which one you want:
Book b = new Book() = "The Book"
In the above case we use the explicit insert method to tell Grails this is an insert not an udpate. Another disadvantage is that reading of schemaless/dynamic properties is more costly. For example:
def books = Book.list() // read 100,000 books
for(b in books) {
println b['pages']
println b['rating']
Here GORM has to execute an additional read method for each schemaless property! This is better written as:
def books = Book.list() // read 100,000 books
for(b in books) {
def dbo = b.dbo
println dbo['pages']
println dbo['rating']
Thus only requiring one query. Or alternatively you can use the native API:
def books = Book.collection.find() // read 100,000 books
for(dbo in books) {
Book b = dbo as Book
println dbo['pages']
println dbo['rating']
Which would be more efficient.
Using the MongoDB Driver Directly
A lower level API is provided by the plugin via the MongoDB driver
There is an excellent tutorial on how to use the MongoDB Java driver’s API directly in the MongoDB documentation |
An example can be seen below:
// Get a db reference in the old fashion way
def db = mongo.getDatabase("mydb")
// Insert a document
db.languages.insert([name: 'Groovy'])
// A less verbose way to do it
db.languages.insert(name: 'Ruby')
// Yet another way
db.languages << [name: 'Python']
// Insert a list of documents
db.languages << [[name: 'Javascript', type: 'prototyped'], [name: 'Ioke', type: 'prototyped']]
To get hold of the mongo
instance (which is an instance of the com.mongodb.Mongo class) inside a controller or service simple define a mongo
def mongo
def myAction = {
def db = mongo.getDatabase("mongo")
db.languages.insert([name: 'Groovy'])
A request scoped bean is also available for the default database (typically the name of your application, unless specified by the databaseName
config option, plus the suffix "DB").
def peopleDB
def myAction = {
peopleDB.languages.insert([name: 'Fred'])
Each domain class you define also has a collection
property that allows easy access to the underlying Collection
Person.collection.count() == 1
Person.collection.findOne(firstName:"Fred").lastName == "Flintstone"
You can easily convert from a native MongoDB Document
into an entity using a cast:
def fred = Person.collection.findOne(firstName:"Fred") as Person
MongoDB doesn’t support transactions directly, however GORM for MongoDB does batch up inserts and updates until the session is flushed. This makes it possible to support some rollback options.
You can use either transactional services or the static withTransaction
method. To mark a service as using the MongoDB transaction manager, use the static transactional
property with the value 'mongo'
static transactional = 'mongo'
Alternately you can do ad-hoc transactions using the withTransaction
Person.withTransaction { status ->
new Person(name:"Bob", age:50).save()
throw new RuntimeException("bad")
new Person(name:"Fred", age:45).save()
For example in this case neither Person
object will be persisted to the database, because underneath the surface a persistence session is being used to batch up both insert operations into a single insert. When an exception is thrown neither insert is ever executed, hence we allow for some transactional semantics at the GORM-level.
Using the lower level API you can of course also take advantage of Mongo’s support for Atomic operations.
Unit Testing
To write unit tests with MongoDB and Spock you can simply extend from grails.test.mongodb.MongoSpec
is an abstract class that will initialise GORM in the setup phase of the specification being executed. It
uses by default a MongoClient
instance that connects to a MongoDB instance as defined in your configuration
(by default, localhost
and port 27017
, see Getting Started for more details):
It is preferable to use testcontainers to automatically run MongoDB in a containerized environment and not have to run a MongoDB instance locally. The following examples use testcontainers:
Unresolved directive in testing.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/examples/base/src/test/groovy/functional/tests/EmbeddedMongoClient.groovy[]
Unresolved directive in testing.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/examples/base/src/test/groovy/functional/tests/LocalMongoUnitSpec.groovy[tags=structure]
You can also use your own low-level MongoClient
instance, as shown in the following example:
Unresolved directive in testing.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/examples/base/src/test/groovy/functional/tests/BookUnitSpec.groovy[]
Note that the default implementation is to scan your classpath searching for domain classes, from the package defined
in the configuration property grails.codegen.defaultPackage
, and all the way down its subpackages. If your application
is large, classpath scanning may be slow, so it’s better to override the method getDomainClasses()
Unresolved directive in testing.adoc - include::/home/runner/work/grails-data-mapping/grails-data-mapping/examples/hibernate5/src/test/groovy/functional/tests/BookFongoSpec.groovy[tags=getDomainClasses,indent=0]
Integration Testing
There is a plugin available that will execute an in memory Mongo database during your integration tests. Data will be cleared between test cases so they can work similarly to H2 with @Rollback
Visit the github page of the Embedded MongoDB Grails Plugin to learn more.
Provides access to the native MongoClient instance.
MongoClient mongo
class FooController {
MongoClient mongo
def myAction() {
MongoDatabase db = mongo.getDatabase("mongo")
db.languages.insert([name: 'Groovy'])
See the API for the Mongo Java Driver for API usage info.
Domain Classes
Returns the MongoDB collection used for the current domain class
def bookBson = Book.collection.find().first()
The collection
property allows access to the underlying MongoDB MongoCollection object, thus allowing direct access to the low-level MongoDB driver.
Returns the name of the MongoDB collection used for the current domain class
println Book.collectionName
The collectionName
property allows introspection of the name of the DBCollection object used by a given domain class. Can be used in conjunction with useCollection
to switch to different collections and back again.
Executes a MongoDB $text search query and returns the number of hits.
assert Product.countHits("coffee") == 5
The countHits
method uses MongoDB’s full text search support to perform full text search on a "text" index and return the size of the returned cursor.
Returns the MongoDB MongoDatabase object.
MongoCollection dbCollection = Book.DB.getCollection("books")
The DB
property allows access to the underlying MongoDB MongoDatabase object, thus allowing easy access to the low-level MongoDB Java driver.
Returns the MongoDB Document for an instance of a domain class
Using the Document object directly is discouraged, because it’s inefficient. It’s better to use Dynamic Attributes.
def b = Book.get(1)
println b.dbo
The dbo
property allows access to the underlying MongoDB Document, which is a respresentation of the stored BSON document that can be manipulated in memory.
Executes a MongoDB $geoIntersects query
import grails.mongodb.geo.*
class Entry {
ObjectId id
Shape shape
static mapping = {
shape geoIndex:'2dsphere'
new Entry(shape: Polygon.valueOf([[[3, 1], [1, 2], [5, 6], [9, 2], [4, 3], [3, 1]]]) ).save()
new Entry(shape: LineString.valueOf([[5, 2], [7, 3], [7, 5], [9, 4]]) ).save()
new Entry(shape: Point.valueOf([5, 2])).save()
And then use the findBy*GeoIntersects
method to figure out whether shapes intersect with each other:
assert Entry.findByShapeGeoIntersects( Polygon.valueOf( [[ [0,0], [3,0], [3,3], [0,3], [0,0] ]] ) )
assert Entry.findByShapeGeoIntersects( LineString.valueOf( [[1,4], [8,4]] ) )
// native query
assert Entry.findByShapeGeoIntersects( [ $geometry : [type: "Polygon" ,
coordinates: [ [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 3 , 6 ] , [ 6 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 0 ] ] ]
The $geoIntersects operator is a geospatial query operator that selects all locations that intersect with a GeoJSON object. See $geoIntersects.
Executes a MongoDB $geoWithin query
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Polygon.valueOf([ [0, 0], [100, 0], [100, 100], [0, 100], [0, 0] ]) )
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Box.valueOf( [[25, 25], [100, 100]] ) )
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Circle.valueOf( [[50, 50], 100] ) )
Restaurant.findByLocationGeoWithin( Sphere.valueOf( [[50, 50], 0.06]) )
// native query
Restaurant.findByPointGeoWithin([ '$polygon': [ [0.0d, 0.0d], [3.0d, 0.0d], [3.0d, 3.0d], [0.0d, 3.0d], [0.0d, 0.0d] ] ])
The $geoWithin operator is a geospatial query operator that queries for a defined point, line or shape that exists entirely within another defined shape. When determining inclusion, MongoDB considers the border of a shape to be part of the shape, subject to the precision of floating point numbers. See $geoWithin for more information.
Executes a MongoDB $near query
import grails.mongodb.geo.*
Restaurant.findByLocationNear( Point.valueOf( 40, 40 ) )
// native query
Restaurant.findAllByLocationNear( [$geometry: [type:'Point', coordinates: [1,7]], $maxDistance:30000] )
// criteria query
Restaurant.withCriteria {
near 'location', Point.valueOf(1,7), 300000
Specifies a point for which a geospatial query returns the closest documents first. The query sorts the documents from nearest to farthest. See $near documentation for more info.
Executes a MongoDB $nearSphere query
import grails.mongodb.geo.*
Restaurant.findByLocationNearSphere( Point.valueOf( 40, 40 ) )
// native query
Restaurant.findAllByLocationNearSphere( [$geometry: [type:'Point', coordinates: [1,7]], $maxDistance:30000] )
// criteria query
Restaurant.withCriteria {
nearSphere 'location', Point.valueOf(1,7), 300000
Specifies a point for which a geospatial query returns the closest documents first. The query sorts the documents from nearest to farthest. MongoDB calculates distances for $nearSphere using spherical geometry.
See the documentation for the $nearSphere query operator.
Executes a MongoDB $within
query on legacy coordinate pairs
The $within operator is considered legacy and replaced by $geoWithin. Hence this method is deprecated and findByGeoWithin should be used instead
Hotel.findByLocationWithinBox( [[40, 30],[60, 70]] )
Hotel.findByLocationWithinBox( Box.valueOf([[40, 30],[60, 70]]) )
Executes a MongoDB $within
query on legacy coordinate pairs
The $within operator is considered legacy and replaced by $geoWithin. Hence this method is deprecated and findByGeoWithin should be used instead
Hotel.findByLocationWithinCircle([[40, 30],40])
Hotel.findByLocationWithinCircle( Circle.valueOf( [[40, 30],40] ) )
Executes a MongoDB $text search query
assert"coffee").size() == 5
assert"bake coffee cake").size() == 10
assert"bake coffee -cake").size() == 6
assert'"Coffee Cake"').size() == 1
assert'tarta', [language:'es', offset:5, max:10])
The search
method uses MongoDB’s full text search support to perform full text search on a "text" index.
Executes a MongoDB $text search query
assert Product.searchTop("coffee").size() == 5
assert Product.searchTop("coffee", 3)
The searchTop
method uses MongoDB’s full text search support to perform full text search on a "text" index with the results sorted by the MongoDB score. The method by default returns the top 5 results, but the second argument can be used to customize the number of results (top 3, top 10 etc.)
Allows switching which collection to use to persist for the domain class for the scope of the current session (connection).
The useCollection
method allows switching, at runtime, the collection used persist and retrieve domain classes. The collectionName
property will return the current collection being used. Note that the method switches the collection used for the scope of the current session/connection (ie. it is not permanent). If you wish to permanently change the collection used then you need to configure the mapping of the domain class.
Allows switching which database to use to persist for the domain class for the scope of the current session (connection).
The useDatabase
method allows switching, at runtime, the database used persist and retrieve domain classes. The DB
property will return the current database being used. Note that the method switches the database used for the scope of the current session/connection (ie. it is not permanent). If you wish to permanently change the database used then you need to configure the mapping of the domain class.
Allows switching which collection to use to persist for the domain class for the scope of the given closure
Book.withCollection("non-fiction") {
// code here
The useCollection
method allows switching, at runtime, the collection used persist and retrieve domain classes. The collectionName
property will return the current collection being used. Note that the method switches the collection used for the scope of given closure (ie. it is not permanent). If you wish to permanently change the collection used then you need to configure the mapping of the domain class.
Allows switching which database to use to persist for the domain class for the scope of the given closure.
Book.withDatabase("non-fiction") {
// code here
The withDatabase
method allows switching, at runtime, the database used persist and retrieve domain classes. The DB
property will return the current database being used. Note that the method switches the database used for the scope of the given closure (ie. it is not permanent). If you wish to permanently change the database used then you need to configure the mapping of the domain class.