Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
T |
find() @return Find a single result |
java.lang.String |
getAlias() @return The alias to be used for the query, null if none |
java.util.List<Query.Criterion> |
getCriteria() @return A list of all criteria |
PersistentEntity |
getPersistentEntity() @return The target entity |
java.util.List<Query.Projection> |
getProjections() |
java.util.List<T> |
list() List all results |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
interface Criteria |
allEq, and, between, cache, eq, eqAll, eqAll, eqProperty, exists, ge, geAll, geAll, geProperty, geSome, geSome, gt, gtAll, gtAll, gtProperty, gtSome, gtSome, gte, idEq, idEquals, ilike, in, in, in, in, inList, inList, inList, inList, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, isNotNull, isNull, le, leAll, leAll, leProperty, leSome, leSome, like, lt, ltAll, ltAll, ltProperty, ltSome, ltSome, lte, ne, neProperty, not, notExists, notIn, notIn, or, order, order, order, readOnly, rlike, sizeEq, sizeGe, sizeGt, sizeLe, sizeLt, sizeNe |
List all results